Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Opportunity Has Been Extended...

I am so thrilled that so many people have taken advantage of Avon's $10 sign up offer.  The opportunities are endless and they are on their way to becoming their own bosses!  The incentive trip for 2019 is Mexico!  How amazing would it be to earn a trip for one or two to Mexico? I definitely plan on being there!!!

Repfest in 2019 will be in NOLA!! Another place that has been on my bucket list.  Opportunities like this because I chose in 2014 to start my own Avon business, build a team, build a customer base.  I have met so many people over the past few years and I've travelled to places I only imagined.

What's stopping you?  $10? How many times do you go to buy a coffee? How many packs of cigarettes do you buy? Fast food meals? Your earnings start out at 40%-you can build a customer base and earn $40 on every $100 you sell.  You can still afford that coffee, pack of cigs, a fast food meal...and have money left over!

Have favorite products you like?  Buy them at representative prices! NO MORE brochure prices for you when you sign up to be a representative!

Click here to begin your journey with AVON!

Sign Up Today-at $0 No Cost!

 Become a representative today at no cost! Click on this  link  to begin your journey!                                                    Ne...