Sunday, April 30, 2017


I remember when my kids were in elementary school and they'd bring home the envelope with the Christmas items, candy, and magazines. Plus the catalog with prizes categorized by the number of items sold. I wish the schools did a fundraiser with Avon. I love the ones offered with Avon and the prices for the different ones is well worth it.

50% of the earnings goes to Avon to pay for the products, 40% goes to the host of the fundraiser, and 10% pays for the supplies.              

Let me know if you're interested in either signing up to be a rep or becoming a customer

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Get Your Nails Season Ready

I don't know about you but at the first sign of sun and warm temps I immediately get my flip flops out.  In fact, this year I had to replace my flip flops from last years pairs....wore them out!  One thing I dislike are naked toe nails with open toed shoes.

What's the cure? Nail polish!  I love bright colors and Avon has so many available in every color imaginable!

Visit my estore and look at the different polishes available!

Friday, April 14, 2017

The Sweet Smell....

What are you favorite scents to wear? Does it depend on your mood or the time of day? Avon has a perfume or cologne for every woman and man.

Visit my estore youravon To check out the different scents available

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Why Become an Independent Sales Represenative with AVON?

Why should you become a business owner?  Yes, I said business owner.  No, a work at home business isn't a pyramid scheme.  At least the ones I know of aren't.  However, AVON offers three business kits to help you kick start your business at a very low cost:  $25, $50, and $100.  Many work at home businesses start out at $99.

You receive brochures, a FREE estore, samples, full size products in your starter kit.

You also receive other opportunities--
earn free trips
prizes that include tvs, money, business tools
insurance plans
discounts on digital services

in addition to the freedom to run your business how you want to, where you want to, and no answering to anyone but yourself!

Click on the photo above to sign up today

Skin So Soft Products

What's your favorite AVON product to use?  Skin So Soft tends to be the #1 favorite amongst everyone I come into contact with.  There are so many uses for this timeless product.  Sand fleas?  My brother was stationed in Paris Island many years ago--his number one request for my mom to send him during basic training...
                                          SKIN SO SOFT
Do you or someone you know has dogs, horses or even chickens?  I know people that buy this particular product and use it to keep the flies, gnats, etc away from their animal friends.  There are so many uses for this particular product. 

Click on any of the photos to be directed to my estore so you can place your order today for Skin So Soft

Bug Guard Season is Approaching

The time of year is games, baseball and softball, heading to the beach, taking hikes in the woods.  Bonfires in the picnics....

However, there are some pesky insects that can make any of those experiences dreadful...

Gnats, flying insects, deer ticks, mosquitos and if you're traveling to an area that has the Zika virus then the mosquitos that carry it can be avoided with the use of Bug Guard.

Click on any of the photos to be directed to my estore to place your order today for Bug Guard!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Amazing Products

Are you looking for a new scent?  Need some makeup?  Maybe you are looking to redecorate the living room?

Avon is not only a makeup or perfume company.  Bath items, housewares, and other personal care items are offered.

There are multiple perfumes with a variety of scents.  I personally love Prima.  The bottle reminds me of a ballerina slipper.  Little Red Dress and Little Black Dress are also favorites.  I love the fact that I can also get a body lotion and shower gel to match!

Recently, there was an article in US Weekly where they did the makeup on two sisters.  They're twins and they compared the quality of the makeup used.  One twin wore expensive makeup and the other twin wore a more affordable makeup.  Avon True Color Mascara in Black was worn on one of the twins!  Issue 1155 April 3, 2017 is the US Weekly Issue!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mother's Day will fast approach! Don't forget those closest to you!

What better way to treat the special someone in your life?  Avon offers amazing products-perfume and perfume sets, bath sets, lotions.  There are products for sensitive skin, dry skin, combination skin.  The perfume sets are an amazing deal...the scents are perfect!  I typically have a reaction to most scents-even when I'm in the grocery store, the detergent aisle is the worst for my nose.  I can honestly say that I haven't encountered a perfume or cologne that has caused me to sneeze.  The lotions and shower gels offered that are paired with the perfume and cologne are perfect for layering the scent.  The shower gel is used as the base scent, after your shower you dry off and use the lotion as the second layer, and the final step is the perfume or cologne.  This allows the scent to last longer!

Ready for Easter?

Trying  to figure out what to place in the baskets?  I love to give my kids shower gels, lip balms, even perfume or cologne as part of their basket.  Yes, they still love the chocolate and jelly beans, but as they get older, the other items are part of their daily routine.  Check out my estore to start shopping and find your basket stuffers today!

Sign Up Today-at $0 No Cost!

 Become a representative today at no cost! Click on this  link  to begin your journey!                                                    Ne...